Tenochtitlàn, the great capital city of the Aztec civilization, was founded on a small swampy island in Lake Texcoco due to an ancient prophecy: the destined site for the city would be signaled by an eagle eating a snake while perched atop a cactus; a vision that was immortalized in Mèxico's coat of arms and on the national flag. Ever since, the Nopal has played an important role in Mexican culture and gastronomy and together with corn and the agave plant, it also plays an important role in Mexican economy.
The cactus fruit is the sweet "prickly pear".
MEZQUITE's Ensalada de Nopales: Pan-seared nopales, red and yellow tomatoes, fresh jalapeños, red onions, cilantro, salt and a dash of olive oil and lime juice.
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